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Classic FM Live raises £6,211 for Make Some Noise

Classic FM Live raises £6,211 for Make Some Noise

Classic FM Live returned to the Royal Albert Hall on 20th September – and, as always, guests were in for a breathtaking evening.

We were treated to some dazzling performances from the likes of The Academy of St Martin in the Fields, Maxim Vengerov, Wayne Marshall, Laura Wright and The Aquarelle Guitar Quartet.

We were also delighted to be joined on stage during the evening by Ed and Jo Scott, beneficiaries of Momentum – just one of the small projects supported by Global’s Make Some Noise.

We are delighted to announce that thanks to the generosity of the audience, £6,211 was raised on the evening, which will help to improve the lives of disadvantaged children and young people right across the UK.

A special thank you goes to John Oldham, who presented Global’s Make Some Noise with a cheque for £2,500 on behalf of The Oldham Foundation.


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