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Celebrating The Big Music Project

Celebrating The Big Music Project

The 19th February saw over 1000 talented young people wow the music industry with the final of The Big Music Project Competition and Celebration Event.

The Big Music Project is one of the projects supported by Global’s Make Some Noise, and aims to help young people across the UK gain the confidence and skills they need to acquire their dream careers in the Music Business.

The event took place at Indigo at The 02 in London and featured a showcase of the project’s youth Hubs and Champions’ involvement since its launch in February 2014, as well as performances from all 14 of the competition’s finalists – featuring a huge variety of musical genres.

The Classical and Contemporary winners of the competition were decided by some of the Music Industry’s biggest names, with hip hop duo Rizzle Kicks and English Soprano Laura Wright on hand to provide feedback and advice.

Rizzle Kicks said of the event: “The Big Music Project has given amazing, young performers the chance to play in front of the biggest names in the music industry. We were honoured to be a part of it.”

The 5 winners of the competition will be given the chance to have a recording session at the infamous Abbey Road Studios or to perform at Classic FM Live at the Royal Albert Hall, as well as tickets to this week’s BRIT Awards. Click here to find out who the winners were and what they sound like.

Funded by the Big Lottery Fund, The Big Music Project has been delivered by Global’s Make some Noise – supported by an on air campaign on Capital FM, the BPI (who are behind the BRITs), and youth charity UK Youth. Since it’s launch a year ago, The Big Music Project has helped 14-24 year olds from all over the UK get their first foot into the door of the music industry. As well as hosting a nation-wide competition in search of the next big musical talent, the project has so far hosted 4 national events showcasing the variety of careers possible in the industry, inspired 100 Youth centres to carry out their own community music projects, and has provided funding for more than 30 paid internships in music companies.

For information about what the is next for The Big Music Project, keep an eye on their website here.


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