Strangers Sinead and Kayleigh meet for the first time for an emotional discussion about loss and mental health.
Sinead and Kayleigh have both faced huge challenges in their lives, and find the festive period particularly difficult. We brought them together to share their experiences and remind them that they aren’t alone.
Sinead lost her daughter, Diva, to suicide in 2020. She didn’t know where to turn for support with her own mental health until she came across Suicide&Co. They have made her journey a little less lonely, through online counselling sessions with a trained suicide bereavement professional.
Kayleigh is a single mum to 6 children, 2 of whom have special needs. Her local charity FACES Bedford have been there for her at the most challenging moments this year, and connected her with other families going through similar experiences.

Sinead and Kayleigh aren’t the only ones finding this time of year difficult, and small, local charities are there to help people through these tough times.