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You made it! Thank You For Surviving The Wild

You made it! Thank You For Surviving The Wild

From abseiling down jaw-dropping cliff faces and jumping into waterfalls, to delving deep into dark caves and trekking for miles, this was no weekend jaunt for the faint hearted.

Teams of Capital’s listeners (and some of their lucky presenters) took to the Lake District from 17th-18th September for Capital’s Survive The Wild Challenge for Global’s Make Some Noise.




Over a hundred brave souls tackled gruelling physical challenges, whilst surviving on food sourced from the land and sleeping under the stars, to help raise much-needed funds for small but brilliant projects across the UK.




We want to say a BIG thank you to everyone on Team Survive The Wild! Your fundraising and determination helps support thousands of youngsters and their families living with illness, disability or lack of opportunity right across the UK.

Now treat yourselves to a long hot bath and a big bar of chocolate – you’ve earned it!

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