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Meet Jamie and Amanda’s Charity Challengers

Meet Jamie and Amanda's Charity Challengers

Heart Breakfast’s Jamie Theakston and Amanda Holden have assembled a team of INCREDIBLE people to do INCREDIBLE things, all to raise money for our Emergency Appeal, helping those hit hardest by Coronavirus in our communities.

They areJamie & Amanda’s Charity Challengers!

Each person has a special connection to one of the small charities we support and each of them has a very important reason why they want to take their challenge on. Between 12th – 19th June, our Charity Challengers will be walking, running, dancing, cycling, climbing, and canoeing as hard as they can, all live on Heart Breakfast.

You’ll be able to keep up with all the action by listening to Heart and we urge you to show our Challengers your support by donating whatever you can.

They’ll be pushing themselves to the absolute limit… all to raise money for small charities who are currently doing invaluable work on the frontline with vulnerable people hit hardest by Coronavirus in our communities.


Support small and local charities across the UK