There are hundreds of thousands of people in the UK who live alone, are unable to leave their homes or have few family members or friends to talk to.
Why we’re needed…
We recognise how vital it is for people to be connected and so we’re supporting small charities that are working to prevent isolation.
This includes funding community projects that bring people together to build a sense of belonging, as well as small charities that are providing access to devices and digital skills support.
Loneliness can make a person feel invisible or forgotten, and it is a key risk factor for developing or worsening mental health problems.
Many people have experienced a long period of lockdown and are likely to experience the long-term effects of isolation.
In recent years, communities across the UK have found new ways of coming together to address social isolation. Small charities have adapted their usual face-to-face community programmes to reach isolated people in their homes.
They’ve provided digital devices and delivered befriending phone call services to those who have been stuck in their homes with no means of communicating with the outside world.
Digital exclusion affects millions of people across the UK who are being left behind because they don’t have the basic devices or skills to thrive in today’s world.
Having access to, and being able to use digital devices is crucial, but the reality is that there are millions of people who can’t afford to make a phone call for support, and many who don’t know how to search for help.
In the UK, people who are more likely to be digitally excluded are older people, people with disabilities, people living in poverty, people who are homeless and those not in work, those who live in rural areas and people whose first language is not English.
A lack of digital skills and access can have a huge negative impact on a person’s life, leading to poorer health outcomes and a lower life expectancy, increased loneliness and social isolation, less access to jobs and education.
We believe everyone should feel included, respected, and connected to their community and the world around them.
With your donations, Make Some Noise can support small charities across the UK that are working to remove the barriers people face in accessing support, community services or friendship.