It’s time to Sock N’ Roll! Get your hands (and feet) on a pair of Official Gold Socks.
We are giving you the chance to fall head over heels with a pair of Official Gold Socks.

Whether you’re looking for the ultimate stocking filler for a music lover, Gold radio loyal listener, or funky sock fanatic, or perhaps you want to keep your feet warm in style as the cold nights approach? Don’t worry, we’ve got you sorted.
The best part is, that by rocking your new pair of socks you’ll be helping Gold’s charity, Global’s Make Some Noise.

Visit our shop here to purchase the Official Gold Socks for just £10 including postage and packaging for UK customers (international postage prices will apply) which will be music to your ears!
Global’s Make Some Noise improves the lives of disadvantaged people by working with small charities across the UK. We believe everyone deserves to feel safe, feel well, feel included and feel prepared. That’s why we work across four key areas: providing shelter and safety, supporting physical and mental health, preventing isolation and improving life skills. We’re keeping crucial services going, such as food banks, domestic violence and mental health helplines, carer support, community projects and employment programmes.
We’re proud to be a voice for small charities. We raise awareness of some of the biggest issues affecting our society by working with Global, the Media & Entertainment Group. To show your support, you can shop the Official Gold Socks and help to make positive waves of change in our communities.